Season 3, Ep 2: They said what?! Calling Out and Calling In Bias


We focus a lot in this day and age on unconscious bias, but women continue to experience head-scratching moments of in-your-face, outright explicit bias. From public shaming to cornering and bullying, listen in on these modern-day examples of good old-fashioned blatant sexism - and know you are not alone. Then, learn what you can do as the target of bias, and even more importantly as an ally, including by "calling out" and "calling in." 

For more information, we recommend these resources:

Better Allies by Karen Catlin

The Harvard Guide on Calling Out and Calling In

Seed the Way Guide


Cathy Nestrick

Co-Host of the Parity Podcast

Privilege: Breaking Down Defensiveness and Opening Up Dialogue


Season 3, Ep 1: Allies Wanted, A Conversation with Julie Kratz